[{"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667155142000,"gmtUpdate":1739350734000,"h1Str":"","id":185780,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PKG-1739350718054.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739350735000,"gmtUpdate":1739350734000,"id":304887,"productId":185780,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PKG DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPKG06-04 | \nPKG1/4-5/32 | \n
\n\nPKG08-04 | \nPKG5/16-1/4 | \n
\n\nPKG08-06 | \nPKG3/8-1/4 | \n
\n\nPKG10-06 | \nPKG3/8-5/16 | \n
\n\nPKG10-08 | \nPKG1/2-3/8 | \n
\n\nPKG12-10 | \n | \n
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings, also known as push-in fittings, are an easy and reliable way to connect tubes in a variety of applications. PKG offers a range of one touch tube fittings that are designed to provide a secure and reliable connection with no tools required.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PKG manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PKG manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPKG | \n8 | \n-
| \n6 | \n
\n\nFive-way variable diameter | \ntube OD | \ntube OD | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n6 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n10 | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n12 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n8 | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PKG","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PKG","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667155368000,"gmtUpdate":1739434890000,"h1Str":"","id":185781,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/()One-touch-tube-fittings-PLL-1739434890488.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739434891000,"gmtUpdate":1739434890000,"id":305237,"productId":185781,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PLL DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPLL06-04 | \nPLL1/4-5/32 | \n
\n\nPLL08-04 | \nPLL5/16-1/4 | \n
\n\nPLL08-06 | \nPLL3/8-1/4 | \n
\n\nPLL10-06 | \nPLL3/8-5/16 | \n
\n\nPLL10-08 | \nPLL1/2-3/8 | \n
\n\nPLL12-10 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings PLL are fittings used in a variety of industrial and commercial applications. They are designed to provide quick and easy assembly without the need for special tools, making them ideal for use in tight spaces.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PLL manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PLL manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPLL | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nExtended elbow | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PLL","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PLL","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667155943000,"gmtUpdate":1739434861000,"h1Str":"","id":185783,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-SL-1739434860927.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739434862000,"gmtUpdate":1739434861000,"id":305236,"productId":185783,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings SL DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nSL4-m5 | \nSL10-02 | \nSL1/8-01 | \nSL5/16-04 | \n
\n\nSL4-01 | \nSL10-03 | \nSL1/8-02 | \nSL3/8-01 | \n
\n\nSL4-02 | \nSL10-04 | \nSL5/32-01 | \nSL3/8-02 | \n
\n\nSL6-m5 | \nSL12-02 | \nSL5/32-02 | \nSL3/8-03 | \n
\n\nSL6-01 | \nSL12-03 | \nSL3/16-01 | \nSL3/8-04 | \n
\n\nSL6-02 | \nSL12-04 | \nSL3/16-02 | \nSL1/2-02 | \n
\n\nSL6-03 | \nSL1/2-04 | \nSL3/16-03 | \nSL1/2-03 | \n
\n\nSL6-04 | \n | \nSL1/4-01 | \n | \n
\n\nSL8-01 | \n | \nSL1/4-02 | \n | \n
\n\nSL8-02 | \n | \nSL1/4-03 | \n | \n
\n\nSL8-03 | \n | \nSL5/16-01 | \n | \n
\n\nSL8-04 | \n | \nSL5/16-02 | \n | \n
\n\nSL10-01 | \n | \nSL5/16-03 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings SL come in multiple sizes and materials, allowing for the perfect fit for almost any application. They feature a simple push-to-connect design that creates a leak-proof seal with minimal effort.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings SL manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings SL manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nSL | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nOne-way throttle valve | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings SL","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-SL","video":""}]