[{"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667153960000,"gmtUpdate":1739349703000,"h1Str":"","id":185777,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PZA-1739349698584.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739349704000,"gmtUpdate":1739349703000,"id":304877,"productId":185777,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PZA DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPZA04 | \nPZA5/32 | \n
\n\nPZA06 | \nPZA1/4 | \n
\n\nPZA08 | \nPZA5/16 | \n
\n\nPZA10 | \nPZA3/8 | \n
\n\nPZA12 | \nPZA1/2 | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings PZA are reliable and easy to install connectors that are used to join two pipes together. They feature a one-touch system that allows for quick and simple installation and removal.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PZA manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PZA manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPZA | \n-
| \n8 | \n
\n\nfour-way | \ntube OD | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PZA","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PZA","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667154132000,"gmtUpdate":1739434914000,"h1Str":"","id":185778,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/()One-touch-tube-fittings-PN-1739434913912.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739434915000,"gmtUpdate":1739434914000,"id":305238,"productId":185778,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PN DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPN04 | \nPN5/32 | \n
\n\nPN06 | \nPN1/4 | \n
\n\nPN08 | \nPN5/16 | \n
\n\nPN10 | \nPN3/8 | \n
\n\nPN12 | \nPN1/2 | \n
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings PN make it easy to connect and disconnect tubing from a system. These fittings are designed to provide a secure connection that can be released with the simple press of a button.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PN manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PN manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPY | \n8 | \n-
| \n6 | \n
\n\nY type tee reducer | \ntube OD | \ntube OD | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n6 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n10 | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n12 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n8 | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PN","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PN","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667154666000,"gmtUpdate":1739349302000,"h1Str":"","id":185779,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PEG-1739349296776.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739349303000,"gmtUpdate":1739349302000,"id":304859,"productId":185779,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PEG DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPEG06-04 | \nPEG3/16-5/32 | \n
\n\nPEG08-04 | \nPEG1/4-5/32 | \n
\n\nPEG08-06 | \nPEG1/4-3/16 | \n
\n\nPEG10-06 | \nPEG5/16-1/4 | \n
\n\nPEG10-08 | \nPEG3/8-1/4 | \n
\n\nPEG12-08 | \nPEG3/8-5/16 | \n
\n\nPEG12-10 | \nPEG1/2-3/8 | \n
\n\nPEG16-12 | \n | \n
.Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings PEG offers an easy to install and secure solution for connecting fluid-carrying pipes. This system provides a single-action, push-to-connect method that eliminates the need for any kind of threading or additional tools.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PEG manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PEG manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPEG | \n8 | \n-
| \n6 | \n
\n\nT-type three-way reducer | \ntube OD | \ntube OD | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n6 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n10 | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n12 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n8 | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PEG","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PEG","video":""}]