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\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PL DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPL4-m5 | \nPL10-02 | \nPL1/8-01 | \nPL5/16-04 | \n
\n\nPL4-01 | \nPL10-03 | \nPL1/8-02 | \nPL3/8-01 | \n
\n\nPL4-02 | \nPL10-04 | \nPL5/32-01 | \nPL3/8-02 | \n
\n\nPL6-m5 | \nPL12-01 | \nPL5/32-02 | \nPL3/8-03 | \n
\n\nPL6-01 | \nPL12-02 | \nPL3/16-01 | \nPL3/8-04 | \n
\n\nPL6-02 | \nPL12-03 | \nPL3/16-02 | \nPL1/2-02 | \n
\n\nPL6-03 | \nPL12-04 | \nPL3/16-03 | \nPL1/2-03 | \n
\n\nPL6-04 | \nPL14-02 | \nPL1/4-01 | \nPL1/2-04 | \n
\n\nPL8-01 | \nPL14-03 | \nPL1/4-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPL8-02 | \nPL14-04 | \nPL1/4-03 | \n | \n
\n\nPL8-03 | \nPL16-02 | \nPL5/16-01 | \n | \n
\n\nPL8-04 | \nPL16-03 | \nPL5/16-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPL10-01 | \nPL16-04 | \nPL5/16-03 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings, or PL, are designed to be a reliable and cost effective solution for fluid transfer applications. PL fittings are simple and easy to use, requiring only one simple push to create a secure connection.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PL manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PL manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPL | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nThread bend | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PL","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PL","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667152141000,"gmtUpdate":1739349162000,"h1Str":"","id":185769,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PCF-1739349157998.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739349162000,"gmtUpdate":1739349162000,"id":304853,"productId":185769,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PCF DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPCF-01 | \nPCF10-04 | \nPCF1/8-01 | \nPCF5/16-04 | \n
\n\nPCF4-02 | \nPCF12-01 | \nPCF1/8-02 | \nPCF3/8-01 | \n
\n\nPCF6-01 | \nPCF12-02 | \nPCF5/32-01 | \nPCF3/8-02 | \n
\n\nPCF6-02 | \nPCF12-03 | \nPCF5/32-02 | \nPCF3/8-03 | \n
\n\nPCF6-03 | \nPCF12-04 | \nPCF3/16-01 | \nPCF3/8-04 | \n
\n\nPCF6-04 | \nPCF14-02 | \nPCF3/16-02 | \nPCF1/2-02 | \n
\n\nPCF8-01 | \nPCF14-03 | \nPCF3/16-03 | \nPCF1/2-03 | \n
\n\nPCF8-02 | \nPCF14-04 | \nPCF1/4-01 | \nPCF1/2-04 | \n
\n\nPCF8-03 | \nPCF16-02 | \nPCF1/4-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPCF8-04 | \nPCF16-03 | \nPCF1/4-03 | \n | \n
\n\nPCF10-01 | \nPCF16-04 | \nPCF5/16-01 | \n | \n
\n\nPCF10-02 | \n | \nPCF5/16-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPCF10-03 | \n | \nPCF5/16-03 | \n | \n
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings PCF provide a simple and reliable solution for connecting plastic and metal pipes. These fittings are designed with a single-action push-in system that makes installation quick, easy, and secure.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PCF manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PCF manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPCF | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nInternal thread straight | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PCF","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PCF","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667152482000,"gmtUpdate":1739349206000,"h1Str":"","id":185770,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PD-1739349197640.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739349207000,"gmtUpdate":1739349206000,"id":304855,"productId":185770,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PD DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPD4-m5 | \nPD10-02 | \nPD1/8-01 | \nPD5/16-04 | \n
\n\nPD4-01 | \nPD10-03 | \nPD1/8-02 | \nPD3/8-01 | \n
\n\nPD4-02 | \nPD10-04 | \nPD5/32-01 | \nPD3/8-02 | \n
\n\nPD6-m5 | \nPD12-01 | \nPD5/32-02 | \nPD3/8-03 | \n
\n\nPD6-01 | \nPD12-02 | \nPD3/16-01 | \nPD3/8-04 | \n
\n\nPD6-02 | \nPD12-03 | \nPD3/16-02 | \nPD1/2-02 | \n
\n\nPD6-03 | \nPD12-04 | \nPD3/16-03 | \nPD1/2-03 | \n
\n\nPD6-04 | \nPD14-02 | \nPD1/4-01 | \nPD1/2-04 | \n
\n\nPD8-01 | \nPD14-03 | \nPD1/4-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPD8-02 | \nPD14-04 | \nPD1/4-03 | \n | \n
\n\nPD8-03 | \nPD16-02 | \nPD5/16-01 | \n | \n
\n\nPD8-04 | \nPD16-03 | \nPD5/16-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPD10-01 | \nPD16-04 | \nPD5/16-03 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One Touch Tube Fittings are a type of mechanical fitting used in pneumatic and hydraulic systems. They provide a secure, leak-proof connection between two tubes without the need for tools or threading.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PD manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PD manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPC | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nTee side thread | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PD","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PD","video":""}]