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\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PD DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPD4-m5 | \nPD10-02 | \nPD1/8-01 | \nPD5/16-04 | \n
\n\nPD4-01 | \nPD10-03 | \nPD1/8-02 | \nPD3/8-01 | \n
\n\nPD4-02 | \nPD10-04 | \nPD5/32-01 | \nPD3/8-02 | \n
\n\nPD6-m5 | \nPD12-01 | \nPD5/32-02 | \nPD3/8-03 | \n
\n\nPD6-01 | \nPD12-02 | \nPD3/16-01 | \nPD3/8-04 | \n
\n\nPD6-02 | \nPD12-03 | \nPD3/16-02 | \nPD1/2-02 | \n
\n\nPD6-03 | \nPD12-04 | \nPD3/16-03 | \nPD1/2-03 | \n
\n\nPD6-04 | \nPD14-02 | \nPD1/4-01 | \nPD1/2-04 | \n
\n\nPD8-01 | \nPD14-03 | \nPD1/4-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPD8-02 | \nPD14-04 | \nPD1/4-03 | \n | \n
\n\nPD8-03 | \nPD16-02 | \nPD5/16-01 | \n | \n
\n\nPD8-04 | \nPD16-03 | \nPD5/16-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPD10-01 | \nPD16-04 | \nPD5/16-03 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One Touch Tube Fittings are a type of mechanical fitting used in pneumatic and hydraulic systems. They provide a secure, leak-proof connection between two tubes without the need for tools or threading.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PD manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PD manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPC | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nTee side thread | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PD","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PD","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667152646000,"gmtUpdate":1739349451000,"h1Str":"","id":185771,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PLF-1739349442782.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739349452000,"gmtUpdate":1739349451000,"id":304865,"productId":185771,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PLF DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPLF-01 | \nPLF10-04 | \nPLF1/8-01 | \nPLF5/16-04 | \n
\n\nPLF4-02 | \nPLF12-01 | \nPLF1/8-02 | \nPLF3/8-01 | \n
\n\nPLF6-01 | \nPLF12-02 | \nPLF5/32-01 | \nPLF3/8-02 | \n
\n\nPLF6-02 | \nPLF12-03 | \nPLF5/32-02 | \nPLF3/8-03 | \n
\n\nPLF6-03 | \nPLF12-04 | \nPLF3/16-01 | \nPLF3/8-04 | \n
\n\nPLF6-04 | \nPLF14-02 | \nPLF3/16-02 | \nPLF1/2-02 | \n
\n\nPLF8-01 | \nPLF14-03 | \nPLF3/16-03 | \nPLF1/2-03 | \n
\n\nPLF8-02 | \nPLF14-04 | \nPLF1/4-01 | \nPLF1/2-04 | \n
\n\nPLF8-03 | \nPLF16-02 | \nPLF1/4-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPLF8-04 | \nPLF16-03 | \nPLF1/4-03 | \n | \n
\n\nPLF10-01 | \nPLF16-04 | \nPLF5/16-01 | \n | \n
\n\nPLF10-02 | \n | \nPLF5/16-02 | \n | \n
\n\nPLF10-03 | \n | \nPLF5/16-03 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"One touch tube fittings PLF are designed for use in a variety of applications. They provide a secure and reliable connection for the transfer of liquids and gases with minimal effort. They feature a one-piece design that requires no tools or additional parts for installation.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PLF manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PLF manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPLF | \n8 | \n-
| \n02 | \n
\n\nRight angle female thread | \ntube OD | \nthread | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \nM5 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n01:1/8 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n02:1/4 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n03:3/8 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n04:1/2 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PLF","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PLF","video":""}, {"cateId":4872,"cateIds":[4861,4872],"cateNamePath":"Fitting/Pneumatic fittings","catePath":"4861/4872","departmentId":0,"departmentName":"0","dic":"","dicList":[],"gmtCreate":1667152797000,"gmtUpdate":1739349541000,"h1Str":"","id":185772,"images":"[{\"img\":\"https://new.cdn.multi-masters.com/product/One-touch-tube-fittings-PU-1739349538397.jpg\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"},{\"img\":\"\",\"alt\":\"\"}]","isHot":0,"isNew":0,"model":"","productDetailsList":[{"gmtCreate":1739349542000,"gmtUpdate":1739349541000,"id":304869,"productId":185772,"sort":1,"text":"
\n\n\nOne touch tube fittings PU DETAILS | \n
\n\nTube(Metric) | \nTube(Inch) | \n
\n\nPU04 | \nPU5/32 | \n
\n\nPU06 | \nPU3/16 | \n
\n\nPU08 | \nPU1/4 | \n
\n\nPU10 | \nPU5/16 | \n
\n\nPU12 | \nPU3/8 | \n
\n\nPU14 | \nPU1/2 | \n
\n\nPU16 | \n | \n
Yiwu Vanzon Import And Export Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, is one of professional and leading manufacturer of pneumatic products, specialized in manufacturing nylon tubing, pu hose, air brake coils, pneumatic fittings, trailer cables as well as other customized parts.
","title":"Information"}],"seoDescription":"The One-Touch Tube Fittings PU feature a durable construction and are designed to withstand extreme temperatures, pressure, vibration and shock. They also have a special seal design which ensures leak-free operation.VANZON is the best One touch tube fittings PU manufacturer and supplier in China.","seoKeywords":"","seoTitle":"One touch tube fittings PU manufacturer from China |VANZON","siteId":209,"sort":0,"status":1,"subject":"
\n\n\nPU | \n-
| \n8 | \n
\n\npass through | \ntube OD | \n
\n\n | \n4 | \n
\n\n | \n6 | \n
\n\n | \n8 | \n
\n\n | \n10 | \n
\n\n | \n12 | \n
\n\n | \n14 | \n
\n\n | \n16 | \n
","title":"One touch tube fittings PU","type":1,"urlName":"One-touch-tube-fittings-PU","video":""}]